Getting out? Do you have a drug and/or alcohol problem? Are you on Methadone or buprenorphine? Need some help with your release? 

The Connections program will help you connect with the services that can make it easier to plan your release.

  • The Connections Program will provide a pre-release assessment with post-release linkage and support into health and welfare related services, for people with alcohol and/or drug related problems.
  • Assistance from Connections is available to both men and women who are in any public Correctional Centre in NSW.
  • You can self-refer through the health centre clinic and will first be assessed for eligibility.
  • If you are eligible, a Connections Transition Coordinator will visit you and together you can make a detailed release plan to help you when you are released.
  • The program provides assistance and linkage with community drug and alcohol, general medical and community mental health services, Centrelink, obtaining ID and/or a Medicare Card, as well as any other concern that you may have.

Referral to Connections

If you are interested in getting help from the Connections Program or would like to get some more information about the program, you can talk to a nurse in the clinic.

  • Connections accept referrals from everyone.
  • You can ask a health or Corrective Services staff member to refer you.
  • Once the referral is processed you will be allocated a Connections Transitions Coordinator who will complete an assessment with you prior to your release.

Working with other services

A Connections Transition Coordinator will also work with other services that have been helping you prepare for release.

If you have had help from Parole, Welfare or other staff inside or outside the gaol – let us know during your assessment. Being part of Connections is voluntary and you can decide if you don’t need any further assistance from Connections.

Connections have workers available to visit you at all public NSW correctional centres and we provide post-release support across all of NSW.

What we do

Before release: When you have been found suitable for Connections, we will meet with you and ask you some questions to find out what help you need and get to know you.

We will start making some arrangements e.g. appointments or getting a Medicare Card for you before you are released. We will then let you know what has been arranged for you, and the contact details of who will be providing you with support when you get out.

After Release: We will keep in contact with you for the first month you are out of gaol and help you link into the services that you need. If you need a lot of help and we can’t get it all done in a month we may be able to keep helping you for a little longer.